Lecturer: Queen Mary University of London
Gareth Tyson is a lecturer at Queen Mary University of London, and a visiting researcher at Cambridge Computer Lab.
Prior to this; he worked at King’s College London and Lancaster University. His research interests centre on user-facing networked systems. Gareth is heavily involved in system measurements and design, looking at topics ranging from network operations to social media. He has published at a number of important conferences, including IMC, WWW, ICWSM, HotNets, ICNP, AAMAS and PETS, as well as premier journals such as IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, IEEE JSAC and Communications of the ACM. His research has received coverage from news outlets such as MIT Tech Review, Washington Post, Slashdot, BBC, Daily Mail, Wired, Ars Technica, The Independent, Business Insider and The Register. Gareth also serves as a reviewer and program committee member for a number of prominent conferences/journals such as IFIP Networking, IEEE IWQoS, ICWSM, IEEE JSAC, IEEE TPDS, IEEE TNSM ACM TMM, IEEE TC. He was recently local chair for ACM DEV, which was hosted at Queen Mary, and received the Outstanding Reviewer Award at ICWSM’16.