Volunteer, Durban Internet Exchange (DINX)
Areas of interest: IPv6, Blockchain, Internet routing security (RPKI), SDN and network automation, DNSSEC

Born and bred in Durban South Africa with a passion for technology and the city of Durban. Don has helped build the internet community by encouraging the formation of KZNNOG (KwaZulu Natal Network Operator Group), one of the first local Network Operator Groups (NOGs) within South Africa. KZNNOG grew to become ZANOG (South Africa Network Operator Group), the umbrella for all the local NOGs within South Africa.
He started connecting people together both in technology and person with a LinksysWRT 54G, and a “Pringles Can antenna” on rooftops, with the formation of the Durban Wireless Community. Over the last 20 years the networking journey has taken him from building a two Personal Computer (PC) Lantastic network to metro fibre carrier networks and Internet Service Providers. LANtastic is a peer-to-peer local area network operating system for disk operating system (DOS) and Microsoft Windows.
Don currently focuses on helping people take their small networks and grow them into fully fledged Internet Service Providers (ISPs).
When not connecting people to the Internet, he likes to disconnect and helps as a Wilderness Trails Guide in the iMfolozi Game Reserve.